Remember that Medical Ulpan?
The one I took the test for and thought it was super hard? Well last week they called me and said that I actually did OK on the test and even though I wasn’t technically finished level bet (level 2), I could still start the doctors ulpan if I wanted to. By that time I had already resigned myself to the fact that I would just stay in my regular ulpan through February and then start working, so hearing that was a bit of a shock, albeit a pleasant one. You have to understand that I feel like I’ve bonded a bit with the people in my ulpan class – we’re all trying to figure out the language and the country together. There’s only one other American in the group, but I’ve become pretty good friends with several of the French people in the class, another doctor from Belgium, a few people from Brazil, one woman from Toronto and one woman from Australia. After all, we’ve been together every day now for the past three months. And now I was having to decide if indeed I wanted to leave the group.
In the end I decided that it might be best for me to do the medical ulpan. That will give me three months in regular ulpan followed by three months in medical ulpan, ending at the end of February, at which time I would start work at the hospital. So that’s what I’ve decided. The medical ulpan was supposed to start Dec 1 but they’re delaying it by a week to Dec 8, so now I have a week and a half left here at ulpan ra’anana with all my friends.
We also need to figure out the transportation since I’ll need the car everyday to get there, and we only have one car. The boys can bike to school and theoretically the girls can walk. Val can use my bike if she wants to, or I could drop her off and then try to get to Netanya on time. Stay tuned….