Day Before Purim-  CUTEST DAY EVER

This year’s Purim break is monday-tuesday-wednesday of this week.  So the kids all had school today, sunday.  It was just a half day – they had Purim parties at school, Megillah readings, exchanged  mishloach manot, and most importantly, everyone came to school in costume! And since most kids walk to school, you should have seen the drive to school today!  Both in the morning for drop off and this afternoon for pick-up.  The city streets were just full of kids and even parents walking around in costume!   From babies in strollers, to little toddlers, to grade schoolers, junior high “tweens” and even older kids all in costume, all over town.  I had heard that this was similar to Halloween in the US – that it was sort of a consolation for the fact that they don’t do Halloween here, and I guess it is similar, but here, at least today, it was in daylight, not just at night in the dark, and by and large all the costumes were cute and happy – not so much the creepy, bloody gore that has come to represent Halloween most of the time.  And, its not even Purim yet!  This was just the Purim school celebration…

You can’t really get a sense of the feeling of the town from just these pictures, but nevertheless…

mom and daughter on way to kindergarten party

purim abbey road?

random street corner

random group of high school boys

lower schoolers waiting at a bus stop

lower schoolers

a dad and daughters after school

this small store changed its entire inventory for just this week

 and this isn’t a “pop up store” temporarily renting a vacant storefront -its just the local neighbourhood general store but with new inventory

even the stuff outside…

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