OK, here goes…  Val and the kids are back in the US now.  They arrived yesterday.  We decided to return to the US for the sake of the girls education, as they will be starting high school next year.  We initially moved to Israel (and formally make Aliyah) a year and a half ago with the intent of seeing how it would go and either staying or returning to the US depending on how things went.  And while both Val and I enjoy being here and really had no problems with the culture, the housing, meeting people, etc; once the COVID-19 pandemic began it put a real damper on the acclimation of our kids. As with many kids the world over, they went from being in school every day, making friends and learning the language, to sitting at home all day in front of a computer screen, talking english to each other all day, not making friends and essentially making no or very little progress in the language.  

We had heard that by six or maybe nine months they would be pretty much fluent, and they’d be roaming around the city with a bunch of new friends, having the time of their lives enjoying the higher level of independence that kids have here vs in the US.  Well, due to COVID that just didn’t happen.  And while given more time they certainly would eventually pick it up and integrate successfully, we don’t know how long that would take, and with high school starting next year we just feel that we don’t have the time that it would take without possibly jeopardizing their chances for success in high school and therefore university and beyond.  They boys were doing a bit better and they have more time, but we can’t really split up the family for the sake of their staying in Israel.  

However, because I only just started my three month rotation in the hospital, I am remaining here to complete the three months, ending at the end of February.  (That way I will have my official cardiology recognition here in Israel and I would be able to work here as a cardiologist should I ever want to in the future) 

So for now I am “flying solo.”  For my part, I am thankful for the time we’ve had and at the same time sad to see us leave.  Because Val and I both enjoyed living here, we agree that there may come a time when we find ourselves back here, and we know that there are opportunities for college, graduate school, etc which the kids could do in Israel if they wish.  Or even army service…  And I am still making connections in the medical and biotech fields, so who knows if I may yet find a way to keep a foot in the door here in one way or another? 

For now, I am just doing my best to eat down all the food that Val and the kids left in the apartment 😄.  (I mean, how much bamba can one guy eat? 😂😂)

In the meantime we are in the middle of another lockdown here, although because I am in the medical field it doesn’t really effect me.  And, we are having new elections again in March (sadly, just after I will be leaving.) I haven’t yet starting seeing billboards, but its all over the news and people are talking about it at work.  With the Blue and White party falling apart, and politicians moving all around choosing new parties to run in, its like a giant game of musical chairs.  A complete balagan, as they say.  

And I will continue updating this journal.  Just as Aliyah is an experience, so too, I expect, will be Yeridah (the opposite of Aliyah, leaving Israel, or literally, “going down”)

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6 Replies

  1. OMG, Adam I am so sorry for the covid and poor timing. Sometimes our best plans get thwarted and that can’t be helped. I know you Val and the fam are always looking on the bright side. Maybe you all can spent summers in Israel? Why are they leaving now for HS when HS won’t start until August/Sept? I know this has been an Israel blog but I hope you will keep us updated. Back to Phoenix? Wishing everyone well in 2021. Good riddance to this crazy year. Love, Jennifer & Howard

    1. Hey, yeah, thanks. back now to give them a semester to reacclimate to the US system and catch up in any areas they missed during the transition. and yeah, back to phoenix. wishing you guys well also!

  2. Adam: thanks for the wonderful update. The choices that you & Val have made sound so Reasonable, as parents: your children’s future is most important. I know how lonely you all will be being separated, but, hopefully, you will all be “back together again” in a short time.

    Where will Val and the girls be staying? Is the house that you left, and rented, empty now for all to return to? Val & the kids are Welcome to count on me for anything they need until they are settled again: 602-881-8107, so please let them know. (Are the two orange cats returning as well?)

    Best Wishes to ALL of YOU for 2021 to have you all back together as a family unit, much health, and happiness. Please keep us posted.

    1. thx for the kinds words, Sandi. Val and the kids are in a rental for now, as our house is rented out until the summer. But they seem to be doing fine and all settled in…I will pass along the message, thanks again, adam

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