Drive-Thru Zoo in Ramat Gan and The Iron Kippah

During the Sukkot holiday we spent one of the days with another family we met who has a boy in one of our boys’ class at school.  We went to a drive through zoo in Ramat Gan, just a bit north of Tel-Aviv.  It was really cool and the kids loved it.  First you drive along a path winding through a large outdoor area with large animals that come right up to the car windows, then at the end you arrive at a more traditional type zoo. Both were pretty good.

pretty cool

seems reasonable

RIGHT up to your car

not rocks in the water – Hippos!

very difficult to pass an ostrich on the road

In other news,  we’re still making and loving shakshuka:

In Arizona we never had to deal with moving our clocks back and forth (which seems very reasonable to me – why do people still change the clocks?)  Here in Israel we still do change our clocks:

And finally, I remember when I was a kid when we all knew that Israel was way behind us in terms of culture, movies, music, etc.  It would takes months or a year or two for them to get to see the same movies, for example, that we were seeing in the US.  Not anymore.  Now they’ve got first run movies here right at the same time as in the US:  (and yes, I still find it cute how they transliterate the english names into hebrew ״Maleficent – מליפיסנט”, and how they use hebrew “bible-y” sounding words in a modern context “אדונית הרשע – the bad/evil mistress”).

Oh, and one more random fact I just learned: You know the “Iron Dome” missile defense system they have here? Know what they call it here?  כיפת הברזל – “the iron kippah”  For real.

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