Housing deal here in America fell through…..

For the past few weeks we’ve had a verbal agreement with a family to rent our home for the next year, while we’re in Israel.  We were about to finalize a lease agreement when they decided that they will only do the deal if they can have a two year lease.  We can’t do that because we (some of the “we” more than others – its complicated 😐) aren’t sure that we’ll be in Israel more than a year.  They understand that, and suggested that if we return to the US next year, that they could continue living in our house while we rent something else for the year.  Ummm, yeah, that’s not going to work.  So it seems we are at an impasse…

Anyway, now we will re-list our house and try to find another renter.

But, we are close to closing the deal on a rental apt in Israel, we have the lawyers looking at the contract and it should be wrapped up soon.  Once that’s done we can get the kids formally registered for schools.

Also, we finally ordered the cat carriers for the plane, in the cabin, under the seat, etc.  The technical specs listed on the El Al website for the allowed size of the pet carriers allowed in-cabin  – specifically for cats and dogs – are so ridiculously small that when you type in that size into Amazon, you get a bunch of carriers that come up with pictures of either hamsters or guinea pigs in them!

My solution is the bring two carriers for each cat.  Yes, you heard that right, four total carriers.  One set of a reasonable/normal size that most airlines will accept, that maybe I’ll be able to “squish” under the seat, but which will actually allow the cats a bit of freedom of movement (they’re supposed to be able to at least stand up and turn around in carrier, especially for a 15 hour flight).  But if we get officially “inspected” or something, or they say the carriers are too big, we can switch them to the small carriers (which just barely fit them and in which they cannot turn or move at all).  We can have them in the small ones for taxi and takeoff, and then switch them later into the bigger carriers for the rest of the flight, or at least until landing.  As we say, “Im tirtzu, ain zo agada…”  “If you will it, it is no dream..”  😁😁😁

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