No room at the middle school we wanted.  😟😟

Darn.  Now we’re looking at other schools in the area.  Have a bunch of texts and emails out to various people we’ve met there to ask for other suggestions.  Hopeful that things will work out well in the end.

OK, its been close to a week now.  After talking/texting/whatsapping/facebooking with various helpful people, it seems that there are a few other good options for schools so I feel better that things will work out.  Even though we don’t have anything officially reserved yet.  Part of the issue seems to be that they need to see a signed rental contract so they know we’re really living in Ra’anana.  But we don’t have that yet because we can’t quite make up our mind on the apartment or house.  I feel like we’re close, though….

Next few items on my list (in addition to packing up the house) are to order cat carriers for the plane and to talk to an Israeli cell phone company about cell service in Israel where we can also keep our American numbers.  Apparently that’s a thing now. 😉

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