Seder night

Who knew the Ministry of Aliyah in Israel puts out their own Passover Haggadah?  So that’s the one I used this Passover.   Seemed fitting for our last USA Passover.  And obviously the key line for us is the last one, “Next year in….”

In other news, we think we may have found a furnished house to rent and we are working on the contract details currently.  And our passports with our entry visas attached just arrived from the consulate in LA.  Also, I received an email from Meir Medical Center where I hope to work, so that is looking more hopeful as well.

Now just waiting to hear if the kids have been finalized or accepted into their first choice schools….Should hear in the next week or two…

And, we found a nice family to rent our house here for the year.  😊

I think that might be the last big item on my pre-Aliyah list.  Now we just need to focus on packing and getting the house here ready to rent.

Oh, the one other thing is to pick an Israeli cell phone carrier and set up service before we leave.  From what I hear they will mail us a sim card and may even let us keep our US number so if you call us it will ring on our “Israeli” line (which should be our same phones, just with the Israeli sim card).

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