Bat Mitzvahs????

This past shabbat I told the rabbi at our shul about our plans.  He was surprised but excited for us.  Then it was down to business.  What are we going to do about the girls bat-mitzvahs?  As it currently stands, we reserved a date for their bat mitzvah – Feb 29th, 2020 – at our shul.  In fact, they’ve already started learning the haftarah portion for that weekend.  
However, that will be about seven months AFTER we’ve moved to Israel.  What are we going to do?
I honestly have no idea.  On the one hand, we could all fly back and do it here.  On the other hand, if we’ve made friends, and are established in a shul there after 6-7months, will we (and especially the girls) really want to leave/exclude all of our new friends there for the bat mitzvah?  On the other hand, what do they actually do there for bat mitzvahs anyway?  On the other hand, moving is expensive, and I’ll be making significantly less money there than I do here – will it be financially possible to all fly back here to put on a big American-style bat mitzvah weekend?  
The more I think about it, the more I think we may just end up doing them in Israel.  But it remains an open question…..
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