Yom HaAliyah

Yom HaAliyah was this past week and so we had a celebration in our ulpan.  We sang some songs and discussed the different countries people come from, and took turns telling a little bit about our own Aliyah stories (in broken hebrew, of course 😅) But the main event was the “pot luck” where people brought a dish representative of their country of origin.  There were some obvious ones:  A Columbian oleh brought a large pot of columbian coffee.  The Belgian in my class made Belgian waffles, and the woman from Mexico in my class made a large bowl of guacamole.  One of the Canadians made a plate of maple flavoured cookies.  (with a small glass jar of maple syrup as a prop just in case you didn’t get what the cookies had to do with Canada). And me? Well, what could be more American than…..

Apple pie!
And, yes, I for real made that.  Without any help.  😀
(and yes, i’ve probably got too much time on my hands and yes I should be working.  but we’ve already been through that, not until I finish ulpan.  you only live once….😉)

And just in case you’re wondering if it was actually any good:

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